I am The Secret Weapon


 Here is a brief overview of my results from the How to Fascinate Personality Test


Secret Weapons enjoy independent work. They produce agile solutions, even when under high pressure.  They make great contributions to a company’s performance.

Primary Advantage

Mystique personalities speak the language of listening. Others may draw attention to themselves with loud greetings or fraternal backslapping. Mystique personalities tend to be solo intellects behind the scenes. They see nuances that most outgoing personalities would miss.

  • Independent
  • Logical
  • Observant

Secondary Advantage

Innovation personalities speak the language of creativity. Their creativity gives them an advantage when old solutions don’t work anymore. These are the seekers of adventure. The experimenters. The proponents of the new. Life is too short to follow conventions.

  • Creative
  • Independent
  • Entrepreneurial

The Secret Weapon’s Top 5 Specialty Adjectives

1. Nimble

2. Unassuming

3. Independent

4. Reticent

5. Autonomously creative


About the Fascination Advantage:


Think of your Archetype as your personality’s superpower – it’s already there within you. Your Archetype is who you are when you are at your best.

Your Archetype is how the world sees you, at your best.


The Fascination Personality Test® doesn’t measure how you see the world…it measures how the world sees you.

Your personality has one primary Advantage. It’s how you add value. It’s what makes you different and better. Think of it like a natural superpower for your personality. When you communicate using this Advantage, you earn more attention, and more revenue.

With just 28 short questions, the Fascination Personality Test will identify your primary Advantage, and reveal your personality Archetype

But that’s only scratching the surface of what makes you truly fascinating. When you dig a little deeper, you uncover more insights and – most importantly – a game plan to turn those results into action.

Now, for the first time, you can measure exactly how your personality adds unique value. Click the orange button to get started.


We’ve studied more than 700,000 participants. Based on this research, we know that there are 49 personality Archetypes.

Each personality Archetype has a “primary” Advantage. Your primary Advantage is what makes you most persuasive and captivating. You also have a “secondary” Advantage. Your secondary Advantage is your second highest mode of communication. It helps to balance out and support your primary Advantage.

No two personality Archetypes persuade and captivate in exactly the same way. Each has a different communication style, relationship approach, and set of priorities. There’s no right or wrong here. All Archetypes are right as rain because they all bring different Advantages to any group.

Take your personality test now!


Disclaimer: All information and images above are from How To Fascinate website, only to be shown as an example of what you will find out when you take the personality test.   These are the results and definitions only of the results I received from the test.