That annoying four letter word

Social Media


Do you make a plan for your social media? Do you have a strategy in place? Do you follow it consistently?

You know you need one but you haven’t done it. Like the million other things you have to do every day and will get to eventually.

Instead of thinking of it as a whole, break it down into smaller steps.

Try this: Take 5 minutes to sit with a piece of paper or your favorite note app and write out the 3 main topics that your business covers. Under each topic write ideas that you can share about those topics that will be interesting or helpful to your customers.

For example, if you are a Realtor. 1) You help people move, 2) You help people make possibly the largest purchase of their life, and 3) You have knowledge of the area in which you sell houses. Now the realtor could break down each of these topics and create tips, how to’s and many other pieces of content to share with their followers.

This exercise is to get your mind thinking and all of sudden the ideas will be flowing. Now you’ve spent about 5-10 minutes and you have tons of ideas.

But what if your stuck and have no ideas? Brainstorm everything you do with a customer, how do you help them, what do you do and why do they need you.

The next step is to take all that content and post it to your social media. Now don’t stop! Keep going and finish that PLAN!

We all need some help to be consistent and that’s where automation comes in and this month fav!

My Monthly Fav:


A social media tool that helps you automate your posts and track analytics. Buffer’s dashboard is clean and easy to use. You can connect your social media, 1 profile per network and schedule up to 10 posts under a free account or upgrade to get even more access by connecting more profiles and scheduling more posts.

Use Buffer on all your devices and don’t forget to get the chrome extension that will help you even more!