Website Audit

Get Tiffany’s eyes on your website to help you to your next step.

Ready for a change but not sure what to do and worried about taking the leap to hire a web designer?  You want insight from a trusted knowledgeable source to help you figure out what to do next.  Ease your mind with a website audit that will be an honest review of what you can do now and in the future.

Step 1

Getting Started Call

Initial 30 minute zoom meeting so that you can share your current website challenges that you would like feedback on. Schedule call below.

Step 2


I’ll immerse myself in your website looking at it from a visitor's perspective. Taking notice at the parts that you can improve on and what you voiced concern about.

Step 3


After the audit is complete, you’ll receive a Google document and Loom video that identifies what’s working, what needs fixing, and a suggested action plan.

Website Audit $495

Client ❤️


How does this work?

We have a call to talk about what parts of your website your interested in getting feedback or ideas you have.  After the call, I will review the website and give recommendations recorded on a video and create a list of items with suggested changes or ideas.  Delivered to you within a week of the initial call.

What happens after?

You can take the suggested changes and implement them yourself or have someone else do it for you.  

Can you make the changes?

If you would like me to make the suggested changes please respond to the email with the changes and I will create a quote for the services.

What are you looking for?

I’m reviewing the layout of your content from the words to the images.  How does it flow? Does it make sense to your customers? Would they be interested in hiring you? If not, what’s missing?  Are the buttons, links and all the pages properly setup?

I will fill out contact forms. Go through the process a customer would.  Looking at it from their point of view.

Do you need access to login to my website?

No, this audit covers the public view of your website only.  

Can you look at more? My membership, subscriptions, email marketing, and more?

These items can be added with an additional fee and longer time frame.