A peak behind the scenes: How it all started


Welcome to my blog!  This is my first blog post!  Not ever but it is on this blog.

I have had many websites and quite a few blogs throughout the years.  I started back around 2001 when I was a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) of two.  I have always had a passion for computers and graphics and things on computers with graphics.  I also enjoy photography.  Of course having small children you tend to take many many pictures.  I wanted to find a way for the relatives that lived far away to see pictures and it went well with me getting to play on the computer a lot.

My first endeavor was to join a member site that gave you a few pages and some things to play with where you could post pictures and text.  I then found a large number of SAHM’s who were creating websites that were so cute!  You got me, I like cute!  I started to learn HTML (that’s the coding that creates a webpage on the internet, it’s like a foreign language.)  It was so much fun to make something out of nothing!  Then I started creating graphics and things spiraled from there.  Not long after that there were blogs.  And as time changed and, so did I, the blogs changed.  Life took over as I was employed full time and was busy with other things.

For the most part, I did have a website of some sort or a domain name for the last 12 years.

In 2012, I wanted to venture out and do more.  I joined a local women’s group in hopes to find successful women that I could gain insight from.  I started the groups Facebook page and that grew into making flyers and doing little things I enjoyed.  When a few of the wonderful women entrepreneurs suggested I start doing these things as a business, I was taken by surprise, shock and DUH why didn’t I think of that.

Sometimes it takes someone else to help you open your eyes.

In the Fall of 2013, I started this website and announced to my women’s group that I was starting my business.

Now that you know what my aha moment was. Leave a comment below answering these questions:

Did you have a realization in your life that led you to start your business or career?  Did someone else help you see what was there all along?