What is a system?
A set of procedures or process according to which something is done.
Or an organized method of doing something, step by step.
I talk a lot about organizing, creating processes, and streamlining. Those are all parts of creating a system.
Systems can be built around anything in your business or your personal life. In fact, you probably have few systems that you do daily but you would consider a habit and don’t think about how you do them. We all do certain things in a specific way, step by step, and you’ve built this up to be automatically done each time it happens.
Things you do daily are the easiest thing to create systems for, like: onboarding new clients and following up with leads. Or checking and responding to emails and making appointments/meetings.
You can also create a system for your social media. Like a social calendar to plan, organize and schedule your social media content from. I personally recommend using either something like Trello or a spreadsheet.
You can see how to use Trello as your social calendar on this post.
What systems have you set up in your business?