5 Steps to help customers find your website

Nov 24, 2021 | How To, Tips, Website

As a web designer, I have worked with many businesses that had a website built and that was it.  They were done and the website sat there.  


You know that marketing requires more and if you are paying anyone to do marketing from social media to snail mail then you know marketing is an ongoing process for your business and any business.


You must put in work to get a reward.  Yes, there are many factors to this but if you put in a few hours a month would it be worth it to get new clients, returning clients, and new eyes on your business?


If you don’t want to put in the work then you can put in the cash and pay someone else to handle it.  Either way, you must be taking action to get a return.


How can I get more visitors to my website that are the right fit?  


Well, tell me:   Are you answering the questions that your customers ask?  Does your website clearly explain what you do and how you can help?  Do you have blogs or FAQs that answer the most common questions your customers ask?


If the answer is no to any of those questions, then follow the steps below to help customers find your website.


Step 1

Write down the top questions that you get asked regularly.  Are these already answered on your website?  If not, then do it now.

Don’t know what to do?  Search online for what you think customers would ask you and see what other people in your industry are doing.  Could you do it better?


Step 2

Write your headlines to be generally as close to what your customer would ask google.

Here are 2 random examples, but mainly you want to come up with headlines that are close to what your customer may ask when searching. 


Example #1

Customer Search: How can I make my dog stop chewing my shoes?

Your Headline: How to teach your dog to stop chewing everything in your house


Example #2

Customer Search: Fix broken dishwasher water leak

Your Headline:  How to fix a broken dishwasher and stop water leaks


It does not need to be a perfect match but the most words that match will help.


Step 3

Make content from the headline.  Write a blog post or make a video to add to your website.  Explain how to or answer the question from the headline.  


Step 4

Tell them what to do next by adding a call to action= what do you want the reader to do next?  Subscribe to your email? Make an appointment with you? Call you?  


Step 5 

Repurpose your content from the FAQ and blogs.  Make social media posts, videos, newsletters, etc from what you have already created.  This saves you time for thinking about something new.


Need help setting up or brainstorming your SEO and content plans?  Schedule a VIP Business Consulting session