Stop losing customers and website visitors

Nov 17, 2021 | How To, Tips, Website

Have you ever found something online that sounded pretty cool and you went to sign up or purchase it and it was broken? The link was wrong, the button didn’t work, etc.

You were excited to get something and then nothing. 

Crickets Chirping


The business owner had no clue.  I’ve seen this in free and paid offers.  From links in ads to links on websites and emails.

It’s not a great look when you are telling people you are the authority on XYZ and you can’t deliver your offer.



How to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.


Go step by step through your website as a visitor and follow your customer journey.  A customer journey is the steps that a customer or website visitor does on your website to the desired action you want them to take.


Test your customer journey and have other people test it too.  On different computers, on different phones, and in different browsers. 

Open a different browser, if you use Chrome try it with Edge.  Or open an incognito browser in Chrome.

Act as a customer, go through what you think they would do on your website, and sign up for the optin or steps you ideally want them to take.


Are all steps or actions/reactions working as you expected?  No, go and fix the problem.

If yes, do you want to edit them for a better customer experience?

Did you notice something could be different or maybe the customer would appreciate it if you did this or added that?

This is the time to refine your process so that the next time you can copy how you set this one up.  


Additionally, are all of the links, pages, and forms working properly on your website?  This should be checked quarterly.


Are you the least tech savvy and need someone to help?  Or looking for another set of eyes on your offer?  Would it put your mind at ease to have an audit of your website, social media, emails, offers, etc?  

Schedule a time to have your customer journey reviewed with Tiffany for 1, 2, or 4 hour VIP sessions to work on your business.