Your AI is Showing

Tips, Tools

After using AI tools for some time, I’ve learned to do better by not copying and pasting the exact AI generated responses.  And I want to help you, too.

Yes, I can tell you wrote your social media post, blog, newsletter, or anything directly with AI since you copied and pasted the response as is.

If you’re using generative AI such as ChatGPT or other tools to create content for you in written form.

There are a few telling factors such as using certain words (gamechanger, rockstar, ninja, journey, etc), the overuse of semicolons, multiple long sub headers, and emojis – lots of emojis.

It uses WAY more words then needed to explain and writes five paragraphs that could have been one, while practically repeating the same thing but written differently.

It almost immediately shows the reader you are using AI.

Maybe you don’t care if your audience can tell or they have no idea since they aren’t using AI either. For the rest of us, we can see your AI is showing.

If you do want to use AI in a more personal approach then there are a few things to make it sound less like AI and more like you. Here are a few tips for those who haven’t tried AI yet and are AI curious.


Don’t copy and paste the output

It is easy to use exactly what pops out from AI and move on to the next thing. But does it sound like you? Maybe you’re in a rush and it’s better to have it done than not anything at all.

I know I have done this. Sometimes we overthink and this tool removes that. But this is where the readers can see that you are using AI. It’s in the words, the layout, the emojis, and the overall sound.

You can combat this by doing the below in training the bot to understand how you communicate.


Train your AI

  • Be specific. Use descriptive words. Tell the AI about what you want and explain any details to it before asking it to give you an answer.
  • Talk to it like a person, it listens and learns with everything you give it. From your explanations to your likes and dislikes.
  • Tell it who your customers are, what products and services you offer, how you fulfill and serve your customers and what makes them happy to use you again.
  • Give it your brand voice or writing style guide to help it know more about how you communicate.
  • And when it responds tell it what you want to change or ask it to rewrite the answer.

The goal is to get it to a point where it provides good enough output that you will slightly edit in to a final version.



With everything in life using something frequently makes it easier. Try it out. If there is something that you’re stuck on then see if AI can help get you unstuck. Most of the AI tools offer free trials or free versions. If you’re worried about privacy then check if the AI has access to your information or if you can upgrade to a plan that it does not.

Remember the AI is working off of what it knows from what you have provided it. It does not have any past, present, future, or experiences to draw from only what you are providing to it to try and get a good response.


What it is great for
  • Helping you get unstuck – If you need ideas, ask it to give you a list of ideas for your project, subjects for emails, names for products. If you are in need of a specific tool, search for it, there are blog topic generators, etc.
  • Rewriting – If you’re like me, I tend to write with the same words and phrases. Having AI rewrite for you is a time saver but then make sure to edit it before you get to the final version.
  • Overviews – Paste a full transcribed video and ask it for quotes or a short overview.


Don’t use it for

Facts or Research – You can’t trust the answer to be correct this is known as an AI hallucination.

“An AI hallucination is when an AI application generates unexpected, incorrect outputs. Hallucinations can vary from flat-out fabrications to irrelevant and nonsensical responses. Hallucinations can be particularly dangerous, because AI is so good at sounding right, even when it’s wrong.” – Forbes

Be cautious and do your own research. When I need to research, I search in Google and find what I perceive to be accurate information. Then copy and paste that into the AI tool, telling it to use that source of information.


Are you ready to try AI?

Start with the basics of ChatGPT, Gemini or look for an AI tool that works within your industry or the specific tasks you want to accomplish.

I have tried many AI tools to help with content for my business from writing emails, blogs and creating images. AI is growing everyday whether you start using it or not. It most likely could help you in one way or another with daily tasks.

Reminder that this is my personal opinion to be shared for the not so AI savvy business owners that could be missing out or need permission to try something new.  This article is more focused on the writing aspects of AI for small business. There are many tools for images, videos, industry specific, user specific etc that might be of interest for you. My suggestion is to do research and try a few tools out before picking one. End results and pricing vary.